Knowing Your Shadow

Knowing Your Shadow

The men sitting right in front of me were howling in fury at me. “You cheated!!!  You got us to do what you wanted!! You always win! You rigged the game!” I dug in my heels even further, shocked by their poor sportsmanship, their inability to accept defeat gracefully....
The Zone: How to Tap into the Flow State

The Zone: How to Tap into the Flow State

In the zone.  On fire.  In the moment. These are all phrases that might describe being “in flow,” otherwise known as the Flow State.  When all time seems to dissolve around you, and you lose yourself in what you’re doing.  This often accompanies feelings of ecstasy...
The Man of Habit: Why You Are What You Repeat

The Man of Habit: Why You Are What You Repeat

Man is many things. Creator, lover, warrior, mentor, and leader. The list goes on and on. However, before any of these titles come into play, man is undoubtedly a creature of habit. You’ve probably heard that before, but do you realize how relevant that phrase is to...