Programs &


Train to live the life you want to live–here’s what we got for you:


Free Telegram Group Chat

Modern Renaissance Man Chat

Join to gain access to daily prompts and inspiration, quarterly self-mastery challenges, exclusive content, special announcements, early-bird discounts and a community of 450+ self-led men .


Coaching, Content & Community

MRM Brotherhood

The online community and training grounds for self-led men committed to self-mastery & creating the life they love.


Transformative Experiences

Workshops & Experiences

Check out our calendar of events for immersive online and in-person workshops, events and retreats.


The modern Leader’s Rite of Passage


Cross the threshold into the next evolution of your life and leadership through a 4 month men’s  initiation, solidified by a 4 day and 4 night wilderness rite of passage. Next round Spring ’24.

Our quality of life is measured by

our standard of self-mastery & stregnth of our community.

Follow us on the 'Gram