The Zone: How to Tap into the Flow State

The Zone: How to Tap into the Flow State

In the zone.  On fire.  In the moment. These are all phrases that might describe being “in flow,” otherwise known as the Flow State.  When all time seems to dissolve around you, and you lose yourself in what you’re doing.  This often accompanies feelings of ecstasy...
Cooking and Masculinity

Cooking and Masculinity

It always struck me as odd that in our society, the kitchen has been associated with women. Stories of hunter-gatherers hypothesize that many women stuck around the homes cooking all day while some of the women gathered plants and all the men went out to hunt, patrol,...
How to Healthily and Confidently Pursue

How to Healthily and Confidently Pursue

You must know yourself, your worth, and what you offer. Get clear on your power and value. Live in your vision. Be in your purpose and choose to live that on a day to day basis. Don’t rely on another to “complete” you. You are whole, do your inner work so that you...